Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava, Slovak Republic
© CPS Bratislava 2007
The views of authors do not necessarily correspond to those of the edition. The language correction of contributions has not been made.
Untitled Document
Information on the CPS

COOP PRODUKT SLOVENSKO is the open professional association of legal entities grouping producer cooperatives and other cooperatives established with the following purpose:
  • Promotion and support of member cooperatives and their member´s interests in solving their common cooperative issues,
  • Representation of interests of member cooperatives towards the state and governmental bodies, NGOs, professional associations in the national and international cooperative bodies and organisations,
  • Involvement in the creation of the generally binding legal rules and fundamental measures related to the co-operative movement,
  • Support of the mutual help and cooperation among affiliated cooperatives
  • Development of the humanitarian ideas and objectives in the activities of the co-operative movement with the particular consideration of co-operative societies employing people with disabilities
  • In cooperation with the other co-operative federations, it creates conditions for the setting up, cooperation and self- help of co-operative societies of all kind.
COOP PRODUKT SLOVENSKO implements mainly the following tasks:
  • funding the specific needs of producer cooperatives employing disabled people and provision of assistance to members and employees of producer cooperative societies in their difficult living situation through the individual form
  • methodical help and direction of its affiliates in the legal, legislative and economic fields and support of education and training of its members in the stated areas
  • undertakes the advisory activity within the creation of cooperative societies,
  • generation and administration of the assocation´s property and funds that serve the payment of the costs of the association´s activity, the provision of credits to the affiliated co-operatives and to the development of producer cooperation.


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