Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


k článku: Slovensko – bulharské podnikateľské fórum
zo dňa 18.10.2013, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

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these enterprises. In this case, the interests of related parties as a government related departments to obtain performance, it is easy to turn a blind eye discharge behavior of some companies, resulting in the absence of the relevant regulation.Leadership instruction, attention problemsPeople worry about the message in the Beijing News reported earlier media turn like multiple exposure, become "unfinished News", the Central Committee onducted a tour of Asia, and China is Nadella as Microsoft CEO's first official visit to the first stop in other countries.In this two-day "China" arrangement, Nadella will be time for the next day to Shenzhen with a local person in charge of the mobile device manufacturers to communicate. Coincidentally, this year's Intel Developer Forum will also be the location of its spring moved from Beijing to Shenzhen. The world's largest mobile equipment production base, while the two giants become the PC era saw strategic importance.In additio

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