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k článku: Slovensko – bulharské podnikateľské fórum
zo dňa 18.10.2013, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 18.11.2013 13:13:52
Autor: horyxcopk (
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At Alameda Park. Entry fee is $20 and all proceeds benefit Alamogordo Evening Lions Club. Call 4343125 for further information.The disruption didn slow Monmouth down, as Patterson took the team 66 yards for another score, culminating with Cantelli great grab. A 29yard scramble by Patterson was the big play of the drive. Ocean had allstars, too, and they showed off what they have by answering with a 71 yard drive.

Smith, who turned 23 on Sept. 25, has been involved in a series of offthefield incidents in 2012, beginning with his arrest on a DUI charge in Miami Beach in late January. In the early hours of June 30, he sustained minor stab wounds at a party at his house outside San Jose.There is a chance for a bowler to make a mark and there is an opportunity for a batsman to build an innings as well in a 50over format. In a Twenty20 it's not there but in Tests it's much longer. I think all three formats will survive.".

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