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k článku: AUTOMOTIVE HUNGARY – medzinárodná výstava subdodávateľov automobilového priemyslu
zo dňa 01.10.2013, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 20.11.2013 18:57:34
Autor: btdhouymh (
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America's Cup sailors have to be sharp and they have to be fit. All but three of the 11 crewmen have to grind turning the winches that trim the sails and operate the hydraulic system for the daggerboards. Every time the boats tack or gybe, the sailors have to scramble across the trampoline the net that serves as the deck to the other hull..She set a serious tone as she emerged onstage in all black, singing lines from her R hit "Love on Top." The stage was dark as fire and lights burst from the sides. Then she went into her hit "Crazy In Love," bringing some feminine spirit to the Superdome as she and her background dancers did the singer's signature bootyshaking dance. Beyonce ripped off part of her shirt and skirt.

'Andrey is very down,' Wenger said then. So he was involved in 73 goals in those 143 games. Please don't call him a flop because he is Russian.So raise your kids to just make enough to pay their bills. Forget telling them that they can be

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"wholesale jersey i'd rather be holding a crystal ball than a bronze statue"

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