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k článku: AUTOMOTIVE HUNGARY – medzinárodná výstava subdodávateľov automobilového priemyslu
zo dňa 01.10.2013, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 19.11.2013 18:10:40
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Analysis: Fairfax County police spokeswoman Shelley Broderick said a 38yearold man told investigators he was driving a Honda Civic in suburban Washington when he saw a pickup truck tailgating him and made a hand gesture. The driver of the truck, later identified as Haynesworth, got out of his car when the two vehicles stopped and reportedly assaulted the other driver. Simple assault is punishable in Virginia by not more than a year in jail and a fine of $2,500 or less..But his most eyeopening postgame comments touched on his leadership style. Griffin said that while he believes in positive reinforcement, he's willing to get tougher on his teammates if necessary. "If those guys want me to go out there and be the stern leader, then I'm willing to do that," he said.

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