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k článku: AUTOMOTIVE HUNGARY – medzinárodná výstava subdodávateľov automobilového priemyslu
zo dňa 01.10.2013, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

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MUNCHAK ON HOT SEAT: The Hall of Famer went 610 in his second season and knows that the clock is ticking. That may be why he wanted to play so many offensive players in the preseason finale. The urgency is high."The motive might have been that the victim knew [Hernandez] might have been involved," one of the unnamed officials told the Globe. According to the ABC report, witnesses told police that "a grey SUVstyle motor vehicle with Rhode Island plates" fled the scene after the shooting. EST: The Boston Police Department has impounded a silver SUV that is believed to have connections to the scene of the double homicide as well as to Aaron Hernandez, according to CNN.

I knew once somebody came here and was able to develop him and train him like he started to get trained with Norv (Turner) in 2006 that you would start to see some of the physical stuff come out. I'm just so happy for him because he found a guy in Jim Harbaugh who coached him the way he need

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