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k článku: CzechBus 2013 - obchodná misia slovenských firiem pôsobiacich v automobilovom priemysle
zo dňa 01.10.2013, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 21.11.2013 10:08:31
Autor: munxrmmvw (
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Anyway, onto the game. Torres what a player! What a privilege to witness such talent at work. The second goal was pure class, his refusal to panic is the hallmark of genius.The Ravens head into the draft with less depth than last season's squad that finished an eyelash of reaching the Super Bowl following the freeagent defections of three valued starters left guard Ben Grubbs, outside linebacker Jarret Johnson and end Cory Redding as well as a few key reserves. While the team is confident that Paul Kruger and secondyear find Pernell McPhee can thrive in increased roles and offset the losses of Johnson and Redding, there's little behind the regulars on the defensive line at the moment. Grubbs' spot may be tougher to fill, as 2011 thirdround pick Jah Reid may be best suited to being a swing tackle than a starting guard, while stalwart center Matt Birk has hinted he may retire after this season and there isn't a viable successor currently in place.

In the second half, the E

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