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k článku: CzechBus 2013 - obchodná misia slovenských firiem pôsobiacich v automobilovom priemysle
zo dňa 01.10.2013, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

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"Was it sending them a message?" Belichick said, repeating the question. "I think that message has been delivered on a daily basis since we started practicing back in May. I don't think there are any new revelations about that message.I truly believe that the vitriol expressed herein is not so specific. That is until one highlights a group of employees that most don't stop to consider as a bargaining unit. In your own writing, you have chosen the popular description of "professional sports athletes" which carries a certain connotation as opposed to union member or union rep which carries a very different societal perspective.

They scored 44 points in Athens. They scored 48 points against Missouri in losses. Moving the football was not a problem at Tennessee."."The fans also recognize that those players aren't playing in preseason games. That's why they're not attractive," said Goodell. "That's what they've come to expect.

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