Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


k článku: 3. Európsky kongres malých a stredných podnikateľov
zo dňa 12.09.2013, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 30.11.2014 22:17:58
Autor: Jolie Vemcz0d3cls ( )
Titulok: Michael kors factory outlet
We haven't yet made it to the food line. But we've seen a salmon on a cracker thing and been told there's a shrimp sushi thing was very good. Our nearest seatmate is telling us that the champagne is $5 a glass with free refills for the night. Of course, he also told us his wife picked him up at the homeless shelter in Anchorage so his comments are somewhat suspect. Then again, he may be toying with us because I asked him if his tux was rented.
Big things are happening in the Himalaya, where teams have begun summitting Everest and other peaks. local time. The successful climb extends his record for the person who has climbed the world highest peak the most times. Apa, and the rest of his Eco Everest team, will now start cleaning up the mountain, as they have for the past few years, bringing tons of garbage, left behind by other expeditions, down to be properly disposed of. The team also leads the crusade to inform the general public of the effects of climate change on Everest as well.

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"Michael kors factory outlet"

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