Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


k článku: COOPEXPO 2013 slovom
zo dňa 03.09.2013, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

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Yaya Toure or Song? Yaya Toure. Nasri or Walcott? Annoyingly, Nasri. Silva or Rosicky? Silva."He doesn't get too up, too down,'' Belichick said. "He's made a lot of big kicks for us. Kicked well, not perfect, but he hasn't been too high on the highs or too low on the lows.

Regarding the Florida incident that has drawn national attention and launched this current debate, we are not yet fully familiar with the facts of the case, but the facts that surround "stand your ground" laws are clear. Nothing is more valuable than human life. Citizens must be able to protect themselves without fear that selfdefense will be legally problematic."The one thing that we have not had all preseason camp is learning how to handle our composure," Gailey said at halftime, referring specifically to the defense giving up the touchdown drive at the end of the second quarter. "They kind of got rattled and lost their composure a little bit. And that is what we have

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