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k článku: Podnikanie s Brazíliou: Obchod a Investície
zo dňa 24.06.2013, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

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"Players have the right to choose their medical care," Goodell said. "They are going to have to make those decisions. We hope that when they make them they are wellinformed as to what effects the treatments they are pursuing have.Many thought our regularly scheduled exhibition games in London and Berlin were for the purpose of possibly adding teams to take the NFL global but that has never been the purpose of the games played there. What they are researching there is the feasibility of an NFL minor league coowned by the league as a place to send undrafted out of college rookies, marginal players who have potential under the tutelage of old timers too past their prime to go head to head in the league as it now is. That not a bad concept if you can keep attendance up to a par sufficient to keep from actually losing money.

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