Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


k článku: Seminár „Internacionalizácia malých a stredných podnikov“
zo dňa 24.06.2013, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

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I went to see Herb two or three years ago when some lightweight group seeking an expansion team for the GTA involved him in their opening, and final, publicity salvo. I brought along a picture of that team of 11yearolds, and told him how many players he influenced in that era had gone in to coaching, teaching or, unfortunately, sports writing. And all of us owed him for that: he was our portal into team sport, and the right way to be a teammate..On the other hand, the offense seems to be coming together. Defensive coordinators can decide to take away the outside/big play receivers. Or they can decide to take away the short/across the middle plays.

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