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k článku: FÍNSKO - perspektívne možnosti podnikania a spolupráce
zo dňa 03.06.2013, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 18.11.2013 20:15:57
Autor: nmwmxfxds (
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What made Lawrie worse was that instead of the ridiculous distraction of Bautista anger being directed at a teammate or a coach, Joey Bats tantrum, once again, as happens far too often, was directed at home plate umpire Gary Darling. The focus there was on winning a game. The Rangers, trailing 64 with runners on second and third and one out.Military official, said the incident occurred Sunday. The bombers parked the vehicle across the street from a school, then ran away, leaving the children inside, the official told the news agency. The blast killed the two children and three other civilians and wounded seven, the official said.

Sherman's excuse was beyond the "dog ate my homework." In his case, it was reported he claimed that he inadvertently drank from a bottle belonging to a teammate that contained a crushed Adderall pill. The unnamed teammate had a prescription for the drug. Sherman has since denied that account.In fact the committee, which held its first me

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