Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


k článku: Semináre pre podnikateľov k výzve KaHR-21SP-1301
zo dňa 03.06.2013, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 09.12.2013 04:22:51
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A cute graphic tee with skinny jeans and flats is chic and stylish.One of the volunteer helpers told me they had an 80% success rate of returning injured birds to the wild.It should be long and tie around the waist. They're super cute as a coat, or just over a tshirt and denim leggings. In my opinion, black wool is the best type.One to two summer dresses is a good investment.I actually think they should bring back looney tunes and merie melodies the way they used to be back in the golden age, ya know, little 7 minute shorts that they showed in the cinema before a movie, and that the only person that could pull it off is seth macfarlane. The only thin that would need changed to make it modern would be the cultural references and the era brought up to date, but just keep the formula the sam, example, elmer hunts rabbit, rabbit plays tricks on elmer, hilarity ensues. The way that the jokes are done in fa

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