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k článku: Vyhlásenie novej výzvy s kódom KaHR–21SP–1301
zo dňa 27.05.2013, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 20.11.2013 08:25:25
Autor: xcquxckok (
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There are 54 countries in Africa, with 54 different markets and sets of laws. Complex customs and trade regulations make life difficult, especially for smaller, poorer traders. The African Development Bank estimates that for landlocked African countries, the cost of trading is 50 times higher than for coastal African countries..In addition, officials announced that another 1,186 positions at battalion level would be opened to women in the Army, Marine Corps and Navy. These are in specialties already filled by women, but only at the brigade or higher level. These include positions in the intelligence, signal, logistics and health care, and field artillery career fields..

Adams' layup tied the game at 88 with 11 seconds to go in regulation. With four fouls to give, the Bruins chose to use them up rather than allow Missouri to run an offensive set. Adams grabbed Pressey and flung him to the ground with 4 seconds left.Adrian PetersonMinnesota Vikings running back Adrian Peters

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