Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


k článku: STYL A KABO 2013
zo dňa 17.05.2013, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

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I tried to reach Barber on Sunday, but he wasn't talking. I hear he's devastated that no team gave him a chance. You might wonder if teams would bring him in after the first game of the season, so his contract wouldn't be guaranteed, and that could still happen.Similarly, the same interviews are conducted and presented for most of the principal players working behind the scenes, such as the casting director remembering what it was like searching for the talent; the editor discussing his cut of the film; and Scott recalling his work on the movie from start to finish. Surprisingly, and again to the credit of producer Charles de Lauzirika, the interviews and their presentations offer the viewer answers to unresolved (and sometimes previously unknown) questions about the making of ALIEN. Watching it all (and believe me, it's addictive), the most important impression I'm left with now more than ever is that the making of ALIEN shows what can happen right for a mainstream film that gets

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