Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


k článku: Novela Zákona o službách v zamestnanosti od 1.5.2013
zo dňa 03.05.2013, autor článku: Mgr. Zatkalíková Monika

Komentár zo dňa: 25.11.2013 06:49:33
Autor: zpatcvfue (
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Actually I used to work in a forensic science lab, and for my leaving party we decided to play softball in the neighboring park and drink a load of beer. So we bought a load of beer, and then stuck it in a bunch of dry ice we took from the lab. What happened?.Hopefully not but just a hunch. Then again every1 has their own opinions. Just stating mines.

With the return of WR Wes Welker, the Patriots have one of the better pass catching duo's with WR Randy Moss be the other. Moss had 1,264 yards and 13 TD's while Welker had 1,348 yards and four scores. The Patriots drafted two top college tight ends in Aaron Hernandez and Rob Gronkowski to give Brady more options in the red zone.He wasn't the only rookie putting their new imprint on an old rivalry. Top pick Tyler Eifert made a 61yard catch that set up Bernard's 7yard run for his first NFL touchdown. Together, they gave a preview of what the Bengals (11) could become with two new pass catchers in the offense..

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