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k článku: EU - Turkey Global Bridge Building Initiative 2013- obchodná konferencia
zo dňa 30.04.2013, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 21.11.2013 23:54:40
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Patriots have won last four games against Bengals and seven of last eight. Tom Brady has thrown TD pass in 52 consecutive games, secondlongest streak in NFL history behind Drew Brees (54). Brady has 341 TD passes, one behind Hall of Famer Fran Tarkenton for fourth most in NFL history.The Washington Post poll yesterday shows that although the American people believe that both Democrats and Republicans would share the blame for a shutdown, a large majority believe Republicans are playing politics with the issue. By 62 to 31 percent they believe Republicans are playing politics rather than honestly trying to solve the budget impasse. Even 40 percent of GOP respondents believe the Republicans are playing politics!.

Based on what Vikings officials have said in the past, the licenses in Minneapolis are likely to be a lot less expensive. 'There's only six NFL teams that have done just a traditional PSL program. Of those six teams, the average is $50 million,' Vikings CFO Steve Po

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