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k článku: Využívanie satelitných služieb pre rast malých a stredných podnikov
zo dňa 17.04.2013, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

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Some wondered whether Te'o had been in on the fake girlfriend scheme in an attempt to gain positive publicity and attention. Schaap said Te'o firmly denied that. The nation's best defender also said the hoax affected his play in the BCS national championship, a 4214 loss to Alabama in which he performed poorly..(Sports Network) The Buffalo Bills showed they can go toetotoe with one of the NFL heavyweights in their season opener. Now the team must prove it can bounce back from a gutwrenching loss when it takes the field against the Tampa Bay Buccaneers this Sunday at Ralph Wilson Stadium. The Bills gave the mighty New England Patriots all they could handle in a thriller that kicked off the league Monday night schedule, but a costly late miscue combined with the precision passing of Tom Brady resulted in a heartbreaking 2524 road loss to the AFC powerhouses in Week 1.

Raiders owner Al Davis pulls another shocker but he might have gotten this one right while shattering the h

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