Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


k článku: Podnikateľská misia VIETNAM
zo dňa 25.03.2013, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 26.11.2013 00:08:15
Autor: hhoqndkse (
Titulok: 40 years on and the Stones are still too hot for America
The frustration of which he speaks has been echoed, albeit quietly, by fourth and fifthyear free agents who do not have the ability to be unrestricted this year because of the new freeagent rules in 2010.Factoid of the Week That May Interest Only Me HomeCourt Advantage Dept.:Sean Payton, the coach of the Saints, is the lead plaintiff among 2,100 alleged victims in a case scheduled to begin this week against a company from China charged with shipping drywall that made people sick and damaged other property in the home. District Court in New Orleans.Heck of a choice for lead plaintiff. Sounds like kicking off in a football game with a 210 lead.Stat of the Week Arm length.Seattle SeahawksThe Seahawks were the only team in the league to go 80 at home. The problem is they're hitting the road in the playoffs, where they were 35. They won't have their earpiercing crowd nor will they have history on their side Sunday at Washington.

But ultimately refs rule they both caught it. Sim

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"40 years on and the Stones are still too hot for America"

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