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k článku: Podnikateľská misia VIETNAM
zo dňa 25.03.2013, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 21.11.2013 12:20:09
Autor: cukcwmwjk (
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Adding Hopkins, the surehanded kid from Clemson, can't hurt. The 6foot1, 215pound Hopkins was targeted five times in the first half, including by Yates when he had a oneonone matchup with Bobby Felder along the sideline. He leaped over the cornerback's head to haul in the ball and cradle it close as he fell to the turf in the end zone.."I wasn't 'hurt, hurt.' If I am standing up I'm not hurt. I'm ready to go. I think that was unfortunate for my team but the referees are doing their jobs.""I actually said we couldn't (call a timeout and get Vick back in the game)," Kelly admitted on Monday.

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