Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


k článku: Podnikanie na Slovensku – motivácie a očakávania
zo dňa 05.02.2013, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

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Autor: hiefDave (
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Knight and his partner wanted to have some charts and xuwltest20140805 graphs prepared for the Japanese representatives who were coming to make a presentation. He asked Davidson to do some design work for his company, for a measly hourly rate. Pleased with her work, he then asked her to make a shoe stripe for the company's logo.

She asked me to give her the document so she could work on the formatting (not the content). She was unhappy with my title because it was at the top of the left hand column instead of centered at the top of the page and the box around the text was a problem ("I don't like the box, take away the box"). The information was tight and it was a formatting and style choice based on very limited space.

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"Cheap coach purses"

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