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k článku: Národný informačný deň 2013: Program Inteligentná energia-Európa
zo dňa 25.01.2013, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

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But often, the 49ers do not play in the morning, and then "NFL Red Zone" is perfect. Not that it doesn't require concentration. There are, say, nine games going on simultaneously, and the show cuts between two or three games simultaneously, sometimes showing sidebyside pictures if two teams are both on the verge of scoring..SM: Somehow, I think we are quite temperamental, sensitive; even Pakistan is in the same way, perhaps a little more than India. So you would have one individual performing brilliantly under another captain, and when there is somebody that he doesn't quite connect with the leader then his performances drop. Now that's something that doesn't happen in places like England and Australia, because they are more clinical in the way they go about things a team of 11 will step on the field, will do all the right things, and that's generally the work ethic that they have in the country as well..

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