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k článku: Národný informačný deň 2013: Program Inteligentná energia-Európa
zo dňa 25.01.2013, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

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A STARCAPS SOLUTION: Minnesota vs. New Orleans on Sept. 9 isn't just a seasonopening rematch of a fabulous NFC championship game.The bottom line is that the majority of football players are all about right now. They are not even thinking that their careers will end, which most do before age 30, let alone the longterm effects of the game arthritis, joint degeneration, brain illness and perhaps even longevity. The immediate present is playing the game, earning a contract and squeezing every drop they can from a career in professional football.

Had a chance to make a play on the ball, and I definitely should have made that play, Amerson said. Guess you could say you can put it on me. Was brutally honest Sunday and didn make excuses for his poor play.2. PLAYING FROM BEHIND: The Rams fell behind by three touchdowns for the second straight week. A week ago they ran out of time in a 3124 loss to Atlanta.

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