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k článku: Národný informačný deň 2013: Program Inteligentná energia-Európa
zo dňa 25.01.2013, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 22.11.2013 04:22:47
Autor: tianhafxq (
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Davis was also third on the team with 436 yards rushing and a team high 10 TD's. RB Kendrick Hardy led the Golden Eagles with 855 yards rushing and seven scores. WR Kelvin Bolden made 41 catches for 667 yards and 6 TD's.The Bills failed to list Williams on the injury report while he was being treated for a sprained left wrist. Williams said Oct. 3 that the wrist had been bothering him and limiting his effectiveness.

I personally don't like and don't watch it at all. But as I said current T20 doesn't feel like sport either, it is more like a circus and not a serious sporting event. It is sad situation that cricket has three formats and none is perfect."I think his poise, his professionalism this guy hasn't batted an eye," Philbin said. "He's walked in here and been a starter since the day he got here basically. And he just keeps working.

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