Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


zo dňa 14.01.2013, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 20.11.2013 16:26:31
Autor: xorclgjjh (
Titulok: wholesale jersey while the much more mature and responsible male brain thinks
I thought to myself where in world can you go and have one of the most powerful people in the country walk amongst tourists. I sat in the House of Representatives and listened to a debate while thinking where in the world, besides America, can you experience something like this. I stood on the Capitol building steps and watched in wonder as people from all over the world took pictures so that they could show others about our way of life."Sending somebody home, that's like, 'Oh, you're expelled,' and come back and make good grades. Get that (expletive) out of here. That's ridiculous."Thomas admitted that he doesn't watch the weather report.

NOTES: Stafford is fourthyoungest QB to reach 10,000 yards. Jaguars WR Laurent Robinson returned after missing three games with a concussion.NBA and NFL labor strife Fans quickly became sick of lockout talk, but the labor strife between players and owners in the NBA and NFL were the dominant stories in each league's offseason.

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