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k článku: Medzinárodný technický veľtrh v Plovdive – ITF 2013
zo dňa 11.01.2013, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 20.11.2013 21:46:46
Autor: yamqfutkm (
Titulok: nike nfl jerseys cheap but the only uconn guy who has changed scenery is quarter
The Redskins were docked $18 million in both 2012 and 2013 for the way it structured contracts during the 2010 season, when the NFL didn't have a salary cap. Three other teams received a smaller penalty. The NFL said it dished out the punishments because the reworked contracts "created an unacceptable risk to future competitive balance" and that teams were told in advance not to take advantage of the uncapped year in such a way..Tampa Bay 38, Kansas City 10: With the way Kansas City's season has gone, the type of buffoonery exhibited by Bucs punter Michael Koenen on a Yepremianlike pass/fumble snared and returned for a touchdown by Edgar Jones should be reserved for the Chiefs. Kansas City (15) has yet to lead in regulation this season and may keep that streak going with the way the offense performed in quarterback Brady Quinn's first start in place of the injured Matt Cassel (concussion). Tampa Bay (23) should relish the win coming off three straight losses by a combined

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"nike nfl jerseys cheap but the only uconn guy who has changed scenery is quarter"

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