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k článku: BAU 2013 - hlavný svetový veľtrh pre architektúru, stavebné materiály a systémy
zo dňa 28.11.2012, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 25.11.2013 14:10:24
Autor: pszrlyeww (
Titulok: wholesale jersey everywhere we went it was like walking with a movie star
DEFENSIVE LINE BREAKDOWN: The defensive line is the biggest concern heading into the regular season. Before camp started, the question was whether Seattle could improve its pass rush. They leave the preseason just concerned about having enough healthy bodies.Six defeats in succession, though, show us that the 49ers' problems are fundamental, and that going after the coach or the owner, though emotionally satisfying and good for the odd sloppy kiss at the tavern, isn't nearly specific or farreaching enough. The rebuild that was supposed to have begun three years ago is not nearly far enough along, has stalled, or has wandered into a place where a new rebuild might have to be undertaken. The last eight games will determine which of those paths was taken..

PENALTIES: Both the Titans and Jets cleaned up their act from a week ago when the teams combined for 30 penalties in games they won. But Tennessee did a better job with only four flags for 30 yards. The Jets only cut their

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"wholesale jersey everywhere we went it was like walking with a movie star"

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