Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


k článku: Pozvánka na konferenciu k programu COSME: Komunitárny program COSME na roky 2014 - 2020
zo dňa 16.10.2012, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 18.11.2013 16:21:43
Autor: cemlnimbj (
Titulok: wholesale jersey while detroit left week 4 excited about where their offense was
The previous film gave Abrams "the glorious firsts" that come with jumping into a mythology, he says. "But when it comes to doing a sequel, the key is, first of all, don't treat it like a sequel you can't assume anyone cares. You can't assume that anyone is going to remember it.".However, experimental evidence is missing that this sequence is required for nuclear import of FUS and the function of the predicted NLS is controversial. For example, a homologous motif in the related Ewing sarcoma protein (EWS), which belongs to the same transcription factor family (Law et al, 2006; Zakaryan and Gehring, 2006), was shown to be necessary, but not sufficient for nuclear import of EWS (Zakaryan and Gehring, 2006). Furthermore, an Nterminal fragment, but not a Cterminal fragment of FUS has earlier been shown to localize to the nucleus (Zinszner et al, 1997b).

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