Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


k článku: "InnoFun"
zo dňa 08.10.2012, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 16.06.2014 10:36:11
Autor: Harveybar (
Titulok: found in San antonio (TX) while in the substantial get, the woman proceeded to g
Harvey http://www.daytonabeach Howevere, if analysis of video evidence came to be, so that play would also reveal other relevant factors, like or perhaps a player was off or on side and whether his hands were put to use rather than his feet in putting that ball on the net, then perhaps that is going to help correct many of the injustices?Yes, over the years and most importantly in official tournaments and championships such as the world cup as well as Euro cup an increasing number of referees are making huge mistakes, from the ones from the world cup wherein a goal was should be counted this is why whatever reasons or otherwise not the referee been with them was never probably going to be counted, or marking mistakes and giving out yellow cards and red ones where none was should be given additionally was no fault, or maybe giving the cards to the wrong an a

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"found in San antonio (TX) while in the substantial get, the woman proceeded to g"

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