Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


k článku: "InnoFun"
zo dňa 08.10.2012, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 20.11.2013 10:16:26
Autor: urzdfsuxn (
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He arrived in Green Bay as the backup to Brett Favre, who wasn't thrilled the team had found his heir apparent. Favre kept fans and the franchise on their toes every offseason from then on, flirting with the idea of retiring but always coming back. When the tension finally snapped in 2008 Favre retired, changed his mind and asked for his job back Rodgers found himself in the middle of the mostbitter divorce in Wisconsin history..Enigmatic wide receiver Javon Walker was a disappointment from the start after signing a $55 million, sixyear contract in Oakland in the 2008 offseason after being released by Denver. Walker arrived at training camp out of shape, was seriously injured during a robbery in Las Vegas, and then contemplated retirement. In two seasons in Oakland, Walker had 15 catches for 196 yards and one TD, while being paid $14 million..

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