Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


zo dňa 23.05.2012, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 26.11.2013 07:29:48
Autor: honipgrid (
Titulok: ugg bailey buttons shares for the company were up by 15 percent in recent tradin
Eli Manning: If the Giants cap situation this year and next year are any indication of how it will be in the years beyond, New York may not have the luxury of waiting until Manning is entering his contract year (2015) like they did the last time they extended the quarterback's contract in 2009. The Giants have $129,245,361 in salary committed to next year's cap when it is expected to remain flat (approximately $121 million). Manning who is represented by Tom Condon (Brees' and Peyton Manning's agent) increased his 2013 cap number to $20.85 million in March by lowering his cap number this year by $6.75 million, so the Giants could get under the cap before the start of the 2012 league year.."I'm sure all of you have your questions on who the starting quarterback is going to be and what we're going to do there," Allen said earlier this week. "I'm really not going to get into that for competitive reasons. We've got a plan.

Lexis Numerique released a trailer fo

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"ugg bailey buttons shares for the company were up by 15 percent in recent tradin"

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