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k článku: Výstavný stánok SOPK na Medzinárodnom strojárskom veľtrhu 2012 v Nitre - možnosť prezentácie firiem + rokovaní
zo dňa 15.05.2012, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 29.11.2013 16:39:59
Autor: nddmfebvq (
Titulok: burberry handbags instead of serving the meat on the bone as intended
michael kors outlet AO has been demonstrated for the correction of higherorder aberrations in the three major types of ophthalmic imaging modalities: floodillumination ophthalmoscope (fundus camera), scanning laser ophthalmoscope (SLO), and OCT. It was first demonstrated in the floodillumination ophthalmoscope in 1997 for imaging of cone photoreceptors and vision improvement.3 The concept of AO in an SLO was first proposed by Dreher et al,6 but not fully implemented with a wavefront sensor had not yet been developed for the eye the work by Roorda et al.7 Unlike the floodillumination and SLO modalities that have effectively one principle design configuration, OCT embodies several fundamentally different ones that fall into two broad categories: time domain and spectral (or Fourier) domain. These domains refer to the temporal and spectral detection of the OCT signal, respectively, details of which can be found elsewhere.8 Over the last 8 yea

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"burberry handbags instead of serving the meat on the bone as intended"

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