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k článku: Výstavný stánok SOPK na Medzinárodnom strojárskom veľtrhu 2012 v Nitre - možnosť prezentácie firiem + rokovaní
zo dňa 15.05.2012, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 20.11.2013 13:21:29
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Skinny: Very instinctive with a nose for the football, plus an ability to create lots of turnovers. Jones is strong enough to make a play through the A and B gaps against the run and fast enough to beat a tackle around the edge. He's got a similar body type to Mingo but with more experience as a pure outside linebacker."Like Steve, Aaron Rodgers has done so much to win over so many people, but in some fans' minds he is still competing against the unrealistic memory of a legend. To them, Brett Favre won every playoff game, was perfect in every Super Bowl. One of the only ways to win them over is to win it all.".

When John Madden met with USA TODAY in late July, he mentioned Favre's situation as the most recent reallife event to affect the video game. "We have a dilemma right now," he said. "We put him in the game with Green Bay on the cover and in the Green Bay uniform.At the age of seven, you know, watching my little brother and little sisters bein

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