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k článku: Ako naštartovať konkurencieschopnosť?
zo dňa 20.04.2012, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 20.11.2013 08:27:53
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"Someone said, 'Oh Bubba, you've been in this business for 35 years, you've seen everything,' " said Bubba Tyer, the Redskins' director of sports medicine. "Well, I hadn't seen everything. This Brandon Noble case is the first one I've seen like this.American football is uniquely blighted by violence off the field. The temptation is to think that O J Simpson's dash in the white Ford Bronco the most famous run he ever made precipitated some kind of a crisis in the game that many of us still think of as the best that American team sports have to offer. Simpson was one of the great NFL running backs.

Prayers are about as effective as eating soup with a slice of Swiss cheese. The results are identical, empty and still hungry. Hungry for answers that never come into fruition and brushing it off as "God's will".And none of the three quarterbacks on the roster Trent Edwards, Ryan Fitzpatrick, or Brian Brohm strike up visions of Jim Kelly (or even Frank

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