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k článku: Usmernenie č. 1 k Výzve na predkladanie Žiadostí o NFP, kód výzvy KaHR – 111SP/LSKxP - 1101
zo dňa 06.02.2012, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 16.11.2013 09:16:47
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To fund the innovative school program.The concept is simple: Ariel's experts manage a $20,000 portfolio for each class until sixth grade, briefing them regularly along the way, and then begin turning over the decisions to the children. Upon graduation from eighth grade, each class returns the initial investment amount to the school for another firstgrade class and donates, invests or pockets the profits.After giving half the gains to community charity programs or school initiatives, each student can then take the rest in cash or invest it in a Section 529 college savings plan, in which case they are given an additional $1,000. Last year, 80 percent of graduates invested their $150 shares in a 529.The financial focus extends well beyond the portfolio at a school where hallways are named after Wall Street and other marketplaces, and students announce the latest business news twice daily over the PA system.Financial concepts are wo

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