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k článku: Zoznam oficiálnych účastí MH SR na výstavách/veľtrhoch v roku 2012
zo dňa 24.01.2012, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 20.11.2013 08:38:09
Autor: xegqjpxjt (
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Louis' second play and did not return. Xrays were negative. Givens finished with three catches for 82 yards. Browns CB Chris Owens, competing with Buster Skrine for a starting job, was a late scratch with a foot injury.Owens' agent, Richard Burnosky, told the Star that the 28yearold Hawaiian had "a very strong workout" with the New York Jets last week.Owens, who had 2,701 yards on kickoff and punt returns while scoring four return touchdowns, is in his option year and can pursue NFL work. He spent parts of three seasons with the Jacksonville Jaguars and Tampa Bay Buccaneers before signing with the Montreal Alouettes in 2009. He was traded to the Argos last spring and was a fixture on special teams and as a wide receiver.The threat of an NFL lockout next summer hasn't deterred CFL players from pursuing chances south of the border.

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