Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


k článku: AQUA-THERM 2012
zo dňa 12.01.2012, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

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You are also assuming that a sex offender was charged with a crime against a child. How narrow minded is that? Most of the sex offenders I have been privy to tend to be either wrongly accused, or they simply were in the wrong place at the wrong time. Yes, what some did may have been wrong, but there are innocent mistakes and many are paying for the rest of their lives.

Do not Cary Grant and Grace Kelly seem to be having fun there? So glamorous and exciting?! For movies, they make it seem so wonderful. If you are rich and in the best, right areas, it can seem and be wonderful. BUT, that congestion might be a turn off.

And the best bit? I'll never forget the time we were hit by the last 65 knot gale. Violent storm force 11, it would have said on Radio 4. I was steering, the mainsail had just ripped for the second time, and we were careering down the backs of 45 foot breakers an 18 ton yacht jumping out of a third floor office block.

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