Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


k článku: AQUA-THERM 2012
zo dňa 12.01.2012, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

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They got with the 26th overall pick in 1997. They skipped on Tom Brady like the rest of them in 2000 for Gio Carmazzi in the third round; no, really, they did. The only decent hit was eighthrounder Elvis Grbac in 1993, and he didn't make a Pro Bowl until he left the 49ers..Apuzzo wanted to expand Neurosurgery's readership and impact by moving the journal into what he called "an 'avantgarde' progressive position and internationality." That included putting abstract art on some of the covers and establishing a section on sports and the brain. Bob Cantu was his pick to edit the section. He was the logical choice.

"As stupid as it sounds, I think we had a good round," Barry said afterwards. "I had planned a quick, direct route the course was well in the ability of my horse and I was in a good frame mentally. The turns rode well but I'm not sure what happened at fences 10 and 11.History isn t on New Orleans side. As long as they can allow less than 30

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