Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


k článku: AQUA-THERM 2012
zo dňa 12.01.2012, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 16.11.2013 22:42:39
Autor: Cl8Cm4Vj5 (
Titulok: Ugg goes back for the boys
Chabon (pronounced SHAYbon), tucking into a breakfast of eggs, wheat toast and reindeer sausage at Sitka's Westmont Hotel, said he took the first, unwitting step down this roadnottaken a decade ago. Michael Kors Outlet store
In the last two weeks, amid all the chaos and heartbreak of the story in Haiti, something extraordinary happened on iReport.Almost as soon as the quake struck, worried family and friends posted pleas for help to find the missing to CNN iReport. They came in by the thousands so quickly that our systems were inundated with people paging and searching through the faces, looking for news.But we knew it was important that people were able to find all the names. So we sent out our own pleas for help to friends and family and the generous iReport community to help organize it all all the iReports, all the phonecalls to CNN, all the email.In no time at all a small army of volunteers and iReporters began poring over a mass of

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"Ugg goes back for the boys"

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