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k článku: PONUKA NÁHRADNÉHO PLNENIA z členských družstiev CPS
zo dňa 10.11.2011, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 20.11.2013 10:40:38
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In most other drafts, Amukamara would be the first cornerback selected. He an NFLready coverage corner who was named Big 12 defensive player of the year and earned a spot with Peterson on firstteam AllAmerican. He consistent against the pass and capable in run support, making him a safe pick in the first round.."I'm glad to see there's been . Acknowledgment that football has had something to do with a lot of the issues us players are going through right now."FILE In this Oct. 7, 2011 file photo, former Chicago Bears quarterback Jim McMahon speaks during a recent years, a string of former NFL players and other athletes who suffered concussions have been diagnosed after their deaths with CTE, including both Seau and Easterling.

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