Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


k článku: 10. Slovensko-poľské hospodárske fórum
zo dňa 02.11.2011, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 18.11.2013 22:22:14
Autor: pgmoejbte (
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(Most studies that looked at the effects of pets on health have involved either cats or dogs.)A possible link, not a causeandeffectNote, however, that the experts say there is only an association between having a pet and a lower risk of heart disease. Almost all the studies that have investigated pet ownership and heart health are observational ones, which are not designed to prove causeandeffect. Observational studies can show only a correlation between two things.It's very possible that people who choose to bring pets into their homes are in better overall health to start with than their nonpetowning peers.Tom of Chicago: Bucs will beat Bears and there goes your formula. As far as Thinking Man's Guide, I did an original one, then a revision a year later, then another bigger, more uptodate revision in the early 1980s. If a publisher comes around and offers me big bucks to crank out another one, well, I guess I'll do it.

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