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k článku: Elektronický podpis a elektronická identifikácia
zo dňa 25.10.2011, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

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So, for 90odd minutes, Bowdon does nothing but offer up the absolute worst examples of educational malfeasance, complete with bribes, kickbacks, political favors and fatcat administrators hauling in a quartermil per year. And how does he illustrate this? By showing us what brand of car they drive, of course. (Note to principals and superintendents, don buy a Mercedes, BMW or Lexus; they a dead giveaway.).The 9th Circuit panel considering the gaymarriage dispute indicated in a hearing last December that it was leaning toward overturning Proposition 8 if the standing question could be resolved. Chief District Judge Vaughn R. Walker, who has since retired, overturned the marriage ban after a twoweek trial that focused on the nature of sexual orientation and the history of marriage..

Jordan was a finalist for the Butkus Award, given to the nation's top linebacker. He was a hybrid outside linebacker/defensive end for the Ducks, finishing his college career with 121 tackles (48

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