Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


zo dňa 14.10.2011, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 25.11.2013 19:30:04
Autor: ghtwyyyki (
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Andy Bailes of Bowdoinham has been selected to participate in The Peloton Project of the Cancervive organization out of Calgary, Alberta. Bailes, along with 39 other cyclists will embark on a 2,500mile, 10day journey from Calgary, Alberta, to Lewiston. The riders will leave Calgary on October 3 and expect to arrive in Maine Friday, October 12, just in time for Dempsey Challenge weekend festivities..Even 17 years later it is still considered one of the finest venuesin the league, and was also voted the loudest (it can hold justunder 72,000). Its multimedia systems have been continuallyupgraded over the years, and the concourse and vending areas havejust undergone a $30 million upgrade. His investmenthelped give the Ravens the cash they needed to rebuild the teamafter the 2000 Super Bowl win, and remain competitive..

What a week Christian Ponder is having. News broke late Monday that the Vikings quarterback had popped the question to his girlfriend, ESPN reporter Samantha St

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