Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


zo dňa 13.09.2011, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 21.11.2013 18:26:38
Autor: euhxpjvfh (
Titulok: cheap nfl jerseys an injury that ended his season and his tenure with the bears
cheap nfl jerseys The grayhaired quarterback who turned 41 on 101010, in what otherwise was a "666" week for him amassed 233 passing yards on 11of27 throwing with three touchdowns (one to Moss, two to Percy Harvin). The offense generated 285 yards in the half, though a twopoint conversion failed at 1513.The Vikings' defense was good enough to limit New York to five field goals, until Shonn Greene's 23yard touchdown run in the fourth quarter anyway, but not effective enough to generate any scoring on its own. The offensive line had its hands full (no, that's not a Favrerelated joke) against Ryan's carnivores up front, although the Vikings quarterback was more hurried than punished.And afterward, when asked to talk about "the last interception," Favre could take some very small solace in correcting the questioner and noting there was only one such unfortunate pick.Fact of the matter is, from a business standpoint, it does Spiel

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"cheap nfl jerseys an injury that ended his season and his tenure with the bears"

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