Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


zo dňa 13.09.2011, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

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Got behind me. That my fault. That nobody else Like I said, it very upsetting.Christopher Pandolfo, Amsterdam, The NetherlandsIn some NFL venues, it's actually dangerous to wear a rival (team's) jersey. This is not how professional sports in this country should be. The NFL has taken the first steps necessary to solve a problem that has become out of control.

The problem, at least according to Public Citizen, is that the standard in Virginia isn clearly defined by that law. Appeals courts in the state have not previously considered this question, but Public Citizen argues in the brief filed Wednesday that other state appellate courts have, and they all reached conclusions contrary to Judge Clark other appellate court has held, whether under the First Amendment or under state procedures, that anonymous defendants are entitled to demand that the plaintiff make a factual showing, not just that the anonymous defendant has made critical statements, but also that the statements a

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