Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


zo dňa 07.09.2011, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 21.11.2013 23:40:29
Autor: gpyynkztk (
Titulok: wholesale jersey when young found rice with a 44yard scoring pass just 1
"There is an expectation that he (Luck) is the quarterback of the future," said Marc Ganis, president of SportsCorp, a Chicagobased sports business consulting firm. "With Robert Griffin III there is an expectation that he is fragile, and you saw that last season. That makes a difference when you talk to sponsors.This figure would still likely not be enough to negate the 57% advantage, even accounting for the fact that the game would usually end in the first two possessions. But it gets worse: in the NFL format, teams would likely start well short of their opponents' 25, decreasing the chance that the knowledge of the other team's points would be useful. And the receiving team's opportunity to end the game on a touchdown adds about 2.3% to their win probability, assuming the postsecondpossession advantage was 57% and that second team would have had about a 20% chance of scoring a TD.

"It's good for the fans. It's good for the sponsors. At the end, I thin

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