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k článku: Seminár "Pôvod tovaru"
zo dňa 06.07.2011, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 20.11.2013 10:59:56
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"After spending a lot of time this spring thinking about my NFL future, I have made a decision to retire," Urlacher said in a statement. "Although I could continue playing, I'm not sure I would bring a level of performance or passion that's up to my standards. When considering this, along with the fact that I could retire after a 13year career wearing only one jersey for such a storied franchise, my decision became pretty clear..Trade Percy: Again, there is absolutely nothing to say Frazier is fed up with Harvin beyond a point of no return right now. He continues to compliment Harvin and has gone on record to say he wants him as part of this football team. But the biggest question here may not be whether the Vikings want Harvin around but whether Harvin wants to be around the Vikings.

As evidence mounts that permanent brain damage and dementia are legacies of some stillunknown number of NFL careers, the league faces a dilemma: Bonejarring hits are an unavoid

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