Mliekarenská 10, 824 92 Bratislava


k článku: PONUKA na odpredaj
zo dňa 13.06.2011, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 26.11.2013 06:50:12
Autor: mndkbsvhd (
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Guys have answered the bell, and they played their behinds off, defensive tackle Kyle Williams said. Doesn get any better than this. Facing thirdand8 at the Bills 48, Flacco forced a pass over the middle intended for tight end Dallas Clark.For this dub, there were several good ones in the running with Petite Princess Yucie, Getbackers, and King of Bandit Jing from Monster Island in Austin back during the early days of ADV, as well as a few dubs by TAJ Studios in New York, Media Concepts in LA, and by Coastal Carolina. But in the end, this was my favorite Monster Island dub with Joey Hood and Ron Berry being perfect for their characters. All of the other oneanddone characters in this were awesome as well..

EXPECTATIONS: Up to rookie coach Mike McCoy and rookie general manager Tom Telesco to rebuild team that could miss playoffs for fourth straight season. Quarterback Philip Rivers and running back Ryan Mathews looking to rebound from disappointing seasons behind offensive l

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