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k článku: PONUKA na odpredaj
zo dňa 13.06.2011, autor článku: Zuzana Cáková

Komentár zo dňa: 21.11.2013 18:10:28
Autor: toauinhzp (
Titulok: cheap nba jerseys the 49ers tabbed him with the sixth pick of the draft
No matter how good Peterson feels, no matter how confident he is right now in his recovery, the regular season is still six weeks away. Why not take another two or three weeks to monitor the progress and then turn him loose? That the Vikings rationale. And it the only practical decision, even if it will leave Peterson a bit antsy and perturbed in the short term.Earlier this month, Doty ruled that the structure of the league's contracts with television networks violated the sport's 1993 settlement agreement. In what was viewed widely as a victory for the players' side, Doty wrote that he would hold a hearing to determine damages and other possible remedies. That ruling jeopardized the owners' ability to receive approximately $4 billion in TV money next season even if the lockout is in effect then..

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